Westerville Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Having an elderly loved one mistreated or neglected in a nursing home is not something to be tolerated. Our experienced legal team can assist you in seeking compensation for any pain your family members have had to endure.

The Westerville nursing home abuse lawyers at Olawale Law Firm are well-versed in Nursing Home Abuse Law and other legal matters related to nursing home neglect. That is why our compassionate personal injury attorneys can help you pursue a fair settlement agreement or file a lawsuit for the sake of justice.

Nursing Home Resident Staring out Window

What is Nursing Home Neglect?

Nursing home negligence refers to the failure of the nursing home team to meet the basic needs of elderly people who are residing in the nursing care facility. Older adults need help taking care of themselves. That is why nursing facility staff and administrators should make sure that every single person who lives on the premises gets proper nutrition, hygiene, medical attention, and psychological support.

Nursing home negligence describes the omission of a nursing home to provide the essential needs of residents, which results in physical or emotional harm. Although negligence is not always intentional, it could lead to severe injuries or even the untimely death of older adults.

Abuse is defined as an intentional act that is carried out by a person with the deliberate intent of hurting or harming another person. Nursing home abuse takes place when elderly residents experience physical, emotional, mental, sexual, or financial abuse through the direct actions of one or more of the nursing home team members.

These are some examples of negligence and abuse which could occur within nursing homes:

  • Residents are isolated from each other or left alone
  • Residents who need help to walk or who suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease are not supervised constantly.
  • The living conditions of elders in nursing homes are unsanitary. The staff members fail to wash clothes and bed sheets regularly, clean up kitchen areas often, prevent pests from multiplying, and perform other important maintenance tasks.
  • Healthcare fraud is an unethical practice that can occur in nursing homes. Doctors, nurses, or other healthcare professionals could be held liable for fraud if they prescribed inaccurate medications for the sake of financial gain or if they were overcharged for medical services.
  • Financial exploitation is one of the many types of elderly abuse. Elderly people can be victims of financial abuse if someone takes advantage of them financially. For example, an individual could take money from the checking account of nursing home residents without their permission. Aside from this, they could also illegally withdraw money from the bank accounts of elderly residents by forging their signatures.

When Should I Take Legal Action?

Legal violations of the Nursing Home Abuse Law could lead to the continued suffering of older adults through abuse and neglect. This type of law covers the civil, criminal, and regulatory standards which are connected to the unlawful treatment of elderly residents by the nursing home administrators and staff members.

However, some victims do not report negligent or abusive behavior because they are not capable of doing so or they are afraid that their abusers might take revenge on them. That is why your proactive steps as a family member of an elderly resident can protect your loved one from further harm.

Be vigilant in observing the indicators of home neglect and abuse in nursing care facilities. Here are some of the signs of abuse and negligence in nursing homes:

  • While abuse can be difficult to spot sometimes, physical abuse is always the easiest to notice. Witnesses of abuse should report incidents of abuse immediately. Aside from family members like you, other potential witnesses include fellow residents, nursing home employees, and other visitors.
  • Failure to provide proper care for elderly residents is another form of abuse. Ignoring calls or leaving a resident to handle chores they are incapable of performing isn’t exactly physical abuse, but it can still be labeled as a form of abuse.
  • Older adults may manifest physical symptoms like bed sores and infections or mental symptoms like anxiety and depression if they encounter negligence or abuse in a nursing home.

Once you notice that your older relative is a victim of abuse or negligence, you can take action by reporting suspicious activity immediately. You may also consult with a nursing home abuse lawyer in Westerville who can help you negotiate a settlement or file a lawsuit against the nursing home and its administrators and staff.Elderly Man in Wheelchair

How Olawale Law Firm Holds Abusers Accountable

At Olawale Law Firm, we believe that your elderly loved ones deserve the utmost attention and care when they stay in nursing homes. We view our nursing home clients as an extension of our own family. That is why we want to help them get justice for the past abuse they experienced and to safeguard them from encountering future abuse at the hands of nursing home staff. It is also the reason why we leverage our experience to investigate claims of nursing home negligence. A Westerville attorney for nursing home abuse makes it possible for you to obtain recoveries via verdict or settlement.


Contact a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer in Westerville Today

Your elderly loved one deserves to be treated with the proper care and respect in a nursing home, not with negligence or abuse. A Westerville nursing home abuse lawyer from the Olawale Law Firm can handle your nursing home negligence or abuse case so that you can get the highest amount of compensation possible. They can give you a better chance of gaining a fair settlement offer or winning your nursing home negligence lawsuit.

Contact us today to get a free consultation with a knowledgeable lawyer for nursing home abuse.