

All Information provided on our website is general in nature and for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. An attorney-client relationship is not created unless you contact us and retain our services. In order to inquire about retaining the services of the Olawale Law Firm, please contact our office by phone or email us at


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Although we appreciate your interest in making an inquiry with the Olawale Law firm, please be aware that inquiries and/or contacts forwarded through this medium do not represent an offer and/or agreement, express or implied, by the Olawale Law Firm or any attorney employed by us (a) to provide legal services and/or representation in any form or manner to the sender/inquirer relating to the subject matter or content contained in the message/email; and/or (b) to respond in any manner to the sender/inquirer. All information provided by any visitor, inquirer or sender of a message on our website shall be treated with confidentiality.


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All information submitted shall be used for the sole purpose of representing the client and shall be kept in accordance with the rules governing attorney-client privilege.